Troop 691 | Irvine, CA
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Troop 691

Troop 691 is an Irvine-based, Scout-Led troop founded in 1972. We have members from many different backgrounds and faiths and welcome all Scouts. During the Scouting season, we meet regularly at Irvine United Congregational Church (IUCC) in Irvine on Monday nights from 7 to about 8:30pm.

Troop 691 provides many opportunities for adventure. From camping to canoeing, to hiking and high adventures, to the many other troop activities, there is something for every Scout.

Over 190 Eagle Scouts have graduated from Troop 691 over the last 50 years. That number continues to rise as Troop 691 prepares Scouts for life.

Contact us at to arrange for you to visit one of our meetings.

Click here to learn why you Join Troop 691 Today.

“Join Troop 691 Today!” Video:

Ready to Join? Apply Here:


Troop 691

Troop 691 is an Irvine-based, Scout-Led troop founded in 1972. We have members from many different backgrounds and faiths and welcome all Scouts. During the Scouting season, we meet regularly at Irvine United Congregational Church (IUCC) in Irvine on Monday nights from 7 to about 8:30pm.

Troop 691 provides many opportunities for adventure. From camping to canoeing, to hiking and high adventures, to the many other troop activities, there is something for every Scout.

Over 190 Eagle Scouts have graduated from Troop 691 over the last 50 years. That number continues to rise as Troop 691 prepares Scouts for life.

Contact us at to arrange for you to visit one of our meetings.

Click here to learn why you Join Troop 691 Today.

“Join Troop 691 Today!” Video:

Ready to Join? Apply Here:

Vision in a Value based Environment



The Scouts of America is the nation's foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training.

Scouting is a values-based program with its own code of conduct.  A boy who spends one year in a Scout troop will learn lifetime skills.  He will learn basic outdoor skills, first aid, citizenship training, leadership skills, self-reliance, and how to get along with others.  Scouting will prepare him to live a more productive and fulfilling life.

BSA Logo Only

the Scouts of America’s PURPOSE

The BSA endeavors to develop American citizens who:

  • Are physically, mentally, and emotionally fit

  • Have a high degree of self-reliance as evidenced in such qualities as initiative, courage, and resourcefulness

  • Have personal values based on religious concepts

  • Have the desire and skills to help others

  • Understand the principals of the American social, economic, and governmental systems

  • Are knowledgeable about and take pride in their American heritage and understand our nation's role in the world

  • Have a keen respect for the basic rights of all people

  • Are prepared to participate in and give leadership to American society

The Methods of Scouting

The Scouts of America uses eight fundamental methods to meet children’s hope for fun and adventure, and to achieve Scouting's aims of encouraging character development, citizenship, and mental and physical fitness:

  1. Ideals:  Oath - Law - Motto - Slogan

  2. Patrols:  Peer groups - elected representation - activities

  3. Outdoors:  All outdoor programs

  4. Advancement:  Self-reliance - ability to help others - challenge

  5. Adult Association:  Image - role model - example

  6. Personal Growth:  Good Turn - service projects - religious emblems

  7. Leadership Development:  Leadership skills and practice - citizenship

  8. Uniform:  Commitment to aims - identity

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Eagle Scouts

Eagle Scouts


Click on the Eagle Scout logo to see our long list of Eagle Scouts!

Are you feeling called to support our Eagle Scout tradition? Click on the eagle above to see our many Eagle gifting option needs



Brandon liu

Eagle Scout

“Troop 691 has been the one and only Boy Scout Troop that I have been a part of all my life, since October 2017, so it holds a special place in my heart. Our troop has always stood out to me for its ability to help raise and develop young leaders. We emphasize the importance of leadership, and our troop helps all Scouts access new opportunities in which to improve their responsibility, organization, and communication skills, that may otherwise not exist in other extracurricular activities or even other troops. Our troop also organizes monthly campouts, backpacking trips, and hikes across Southern California, for example, Joshua Tree and Fiesta Island in San Diego. There, many Scouts and I have been able to build critical survival skills and establish long-lasting friendships. Troop 691 is a troop that I highly suggest you join.“

Anne Liu


“Over the last several years, Troop 691 has helped my then 6th grader blossom and grow into a very responsible high school teen who leads and mentors others. I have seen this incremental growth as he has become more outspoken, involved, proactive, prepared and given presentations in front of large crowds, and learn helpful life soft and hard skills. The leadership and camaraderie exemplified by both scouts and adults are outstanding. Hope to see future new scouts join Troop 691!”

Matthew ghebrial

Eagle Scout

“Troop 691 has helped me to grow in ledership skills and character. Through the amazing adult leaders and the community of Scouts, Troop 691 fosters the perfect environment to advance and grow. Our consistent meetings and frequent camopouts alliowed many opportunities for advancement. Because of theses things, I can now call myself and Eagle Scout.”




Troop Documents

Visit the Troop Documents page to find all of the necessary documents to help your son be a successful scout including all required medical forms.

Helpful Links

The Helpful Links page has helpful information about Scouting, advancements, knots and more!

Parent Handbook

All you need to know about helping your son be safe and become the best scout he can be is wrapped up in this neat little PDF handbook!


Our Adventures

Troop 691 provides many opportunities for adventure.  From camping, to canoeing, to hiking and high adventures, to the many other troop activities, there is something for everyone.  Take a look at our scouts in action at our many adventures!

Our Adventures

Troop 691 provides many opportunities for adventure.  From camping, to canoeing, to hiking and high adventures, to the many other troop activities, there is something for everyone.  Take a look at our scouts in action at our many adventures!

Troop 691 is on GOOGLE PHOTOS!

Troop 691 uses Google Photos to post pictures from its many activities.  Access to the photo albums is password protected the privacy of our scouts, and can be found HERE.  If you would like access to the photo albums, please email our webmaster.

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Contact Us

Contact Us

Our Scoutmaster - Mark Delsman

You can reach us using this contact form. If you have questions, requests or ideas, don't hesitate to contact us. We're always happy to hear from you!

We meet every Fall and Spring Monday at 7pm at Irvine United Congregational Church

4915 Alton Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92604

Check out our CALENDAR for specific meeting dates and times, plus lots of other troop events and activities